• Small Animal Medicine

    • Dysphagia and Regurgitation

      In this lesson, we will review the pathophysiology, clinical signs and differential diagnoses for dysphagia and regurgitation.

      By the end of this lesson you should be able to:

      • Explain the pathophysiology of dysphagia and regurgitation;
      • Differentiate dysphagia, regurgitation and vomiting in dogs and cats from the history and clinical examination findings;
      • Construct a prioritised list of the common and less common differential diagnoses for conditions of the pharynx and oesophagus in dogs and cats;
      • Target diagnostic tests appropriately to the presenting problem.

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    • Can you reach a clinical diagnosis for Ellie?

      Click the link below to launch a fascinating case study involving this patient. Have a pen and paper handy to take notes as you work your way through the information provided. 

      Aidan McAlinden, Academic and Content Director

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    • Click the icon above to begin the lesson. Please note that you may take notes digitally within the activity, but they will not save in this demonstration, and will disappear upon leaving the case study.